For thousands of years tea drinking has been an important ritual and tradition in many cultures. Plant-based or herbal teas carry to us the power of their plants and they reach us in their purest form. Tea is easy to absorb, moves quickly to our blood stream and nourishes from within every part of our body, including our skin and hair.
Tea is usually made with hot water, which quickly activates and absorbs the vital elements of minerals and vitamins as well as its binding power, which are all preserved in the dried plant.
Tea for internal consumption - Tea can be consumed cold or hot as long as it's freshly made. Cooled or iced tea is equally delicious and beneficial, but hot tea does has the additional benefit of even faster absorption as it saves our body the extra energy needed to bring it to the same temperature of the body.
Tea for external use – The skin and hair also have a great absorption capability, delivering everything applied straight to our blood stream. Due to this many internal medications nowadays are also made to be delivered externally in the form of gels or sprays. This is why it is very important to only apply externally what we are happy to eat internally. Topical plant-based lotions and creams are usually made with plant extracts, carrying vital vitamins and minerals which are stored in the plant. These extracts are usually ethanol or glycol based solutions which absorb the plant goodness. However, their absorption level is not as powerful and instant as pure water. Using just water - essentially tea, is of course the most beneficial way to get the best out of plants, but this is only good while fresh and therefore not suitable for commercial use. Water based extracts can not stay on the shelf for long as a natural fermentation process occurs. Ethanol or glycol based extracts have the benefit of eliminating fermentation, however due to their limited absorption in comparison to water, they carry much less of the plant’s benefits. Of course, tea is by far the most beneficial to use topically, but it requires a freshly day brew.
Using tea internally and externally simultaneously – treating a skin or hair conditions, by restoring the natural prime condition is of huge benefit in replenishing the missing energy balance by supplying it internally and externally simultaneously. As mentioned, the most biocompatible energy support for fast and long-term rebalance and healing is derived from plants. Every plant has its own strength relating to specific areas of our overall wellbeing. And therefore, as explained, the most efficient way for healing and restoring is to deliver this plant nourishment - internally as a drink of tea, specially composed for the problem and also applied externally as a tea-brew and/or a lotion/serum containing similar plant composition. This benefits the nourishment and the restoring of the skin or hair energy simultaneously – by feeding it internally through the blood supply as well as topically by applying it on the effected area. This dual support is by far most beneficial for fast results to recovery, as the blood stream and the skin can only absorb a limited amount of supply at the time, but combined they double their supply to the malnourished area to restore its prime state.
How to use tea externally – The benefits of a plant-based brew is not only good to drink internally, but also to use externally as a fresh tea solution. The easiest way is to make one bigger brew, which can be used for both – for drinking, as well as applying it on the affected area as a tea infusion solution. It can easily be stored in our spray bottle and applied onto the desired area. This tea treatment can be then followed by the rest of our specifically formulated serums, etc., which also carry the same supporting components.